
International Strategy for Higher Education Institutions

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Posted on by Vicky Lewis

Join my webinar on 24 June

Branching Out - UCAS Illume edition 4Vicky Lewis will be delivering a guest webinar via The Brenn-White Group's International Education Academy on 24 June 2014.

The topic is 'The Proper Role of Marketing in Overseas Campus Development'. It's free of charge, easy to register and the webinar lasts just 30 minutes.

The session highlights six critical points in the overseas campus development process where marketing should influence strategy, resourcing, and operations. It also provides compelling arguments for involving your marketing team throughout that process.

The webinar takes place at 1000 hours EDT (New York City time) which is 1500 hours UK time (BST). If you register but cannot participate live, you will be sent a link to the webinar after it has taken place.

Webinar content

An increasing number of institutions worldwide are establishing (or considering establishing) campuses overseas – a major investment with a vast number of drivers and operating models that can greatly impact success. For those overseas campuses where a key objective is to attract students to join a program of study, it is critical to factor strategic marketing into multiple stages of the development process.

This webinar will explain why involving your marketing team throughout the process is essential for meeting student enrollment targets, and will guide you through the questions to consider to ensure that marketing is effectively integrated into your overseas campus planning, such as:

  • Are your overarching business case, programme offering, and growth strategy informed by market intelligence?
  • Is your strategic marketing plan – and the communications that flow from it – informed by a clear understanding of the relationship between the new overseas campus and your home campus?
  • Does your institution have an adequate marketing budget, and has it considered how roles and responsibilities for marketing and student recruitment will be allocated?
  • What tactics should be adopted for reputation building and student recruitment in a new national context?
An interactive Q&A session will follow the presentation.



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Source: https://www.vickylewisconsulting.co.uk/interested-in-overseas-campus-marketing.php

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