I’m just about to head off on a family holiday for a couple of weeks. And I know that, once I get back, the EAIE conference in Toulouse (17-20 September) will be just around the corner.
This conference is always a highlight of my year and I’m looking forward to travelling down through France to La Ville Rose by train.
I’m pleased to be chairing and speaking at a session there. It’s called University strategies for global engagement: What’s changed since th... View Page
June will be a month that includes some interesting-sounding live webinars to replace the British Council’s cancelled Going Global 2020 conference.
In addition to the ‘after the storm’ type sessions triggered by the Covid-19 crisis, there are some familiar (but nonetheless valuable) themes. Topics include: improving employment outcomes in a changing world; diversity, equity and inclusion in HE; the future of transnational education; and reaching the Sustainable Development G... View Page
Within the higher education sector (and beyond), we’re starting to read some pieces advising us where to focus our efforts when the coronavirus dust settles, but it’s difficult to get the timing right. Some people may be tuned into forward planning, while others are still in fire-fighting mode.
Simon Anholt, founder of The Good Country Index (which measures what each country contributes to the greater good of humanity), has used Twitter to initiate a new hashtag: #staychanged. The... View Page
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