“Vicky Lewis Consulting provides a professional, highly organised, detail-conscious and time-sensitive service supported by clear communications. Highly recommended.”
— Emma Frearson Emmanuel, Associate Director of Marketing, Recruitment & International, Swansea University (2015)
In my recent conversation with Elspeth Jones (Jones, E. & Lewis, V. (2020) In conversation - Evolution of UK International Education Strategy, June 2020), we discussed the evolution of UK HEI international strategies.
I outlined the progression from economically motivated strategies with an almost exclusive focus on recruiting international students (in the late 1990s, early 2000s) to broader internationalisation strategies (in the late 2000s, early 2010s). The latter were more comprehens... View Page
Back in 2005, I was doing the fieldwork for my doctorate (a DBA in Higher Education Management at University of Bath). This involved (amongst other things) a national survey of UK HEIs (administered via BUILA – the British Universities' International Liaison Association) focusing on key institutional drivers for internationalisation.
This blog summarises the survey findings which were generated exactly ten years ago. I then speculate on what might be different if I were to re-run th... View Page
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