It was a year ago this month, in April 2021, that I published my report UK Universities’ Global Engagement Strategies: Time for a Rethink?
This triggered thought pieces for University World News, HEPI, Wonkhe, The PIE and others, as well as an article for the EAIE’s Forum magazine on distributed leadership in international education, one for Times Higher Education about placing language learning at the heart of internationalisation, and a recent one, co-authored with Omolabake Fak... View Page
The first part of my research project on UK university global engagement strategies showed that there’s often a mismatch between the global rhetoric in strategy documents (with its emphasis on making a positive contribution to the world) and the measures of international success that are selected (which tend to be more about building institutional profile, reach and income).
I therefore probed this area with my interviewees, generating a variety of responses. This blog seeks to tease ou... View Page
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